Palm Tran swish

Updated October 10, 2024 at 3:41 p.m.

Weather conditions surrounding Hurricane Milton have stabilized. All Palm Tran Services including, Palm Tran fixed route bus service, Connection, Go-Glades, BusLink, and the Port Saint Lucie Express will resume normal operations tomorrow Friday, October 11, 2024. We thank you for your patience and understanding throughout the storm. 

Updated October 10, 2024 at 11:47 a.m.

Palm Tran is actively participating in the recovery efforts and is continuing to monitor weather conditions in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton.

Palm Tran fixed-route bus service, Connection, Go-Glades, BusLink, and the Port Saint Lucie Express will remain suspended today, Thursday, October 10, 2024 until further notice.

Continue to visit our social media, website, and call our customer service at 561-841-4287 for updates.

Stay safe.

Updated October 9, 2024 at 12:30 p.m.

As Hurricane Milton approaches, we want to keep the community informed about Palm Tran services this afternoon. The speed of the storm is being closely monitored, and we will adjust our services as necessary based on weather conditions.

Current Service Plan:

Weather permitting, Palm Tran will maintain fixed-route service on heavily used routes and those that serve open general population shelters this afternoon Wednesday, October 9. See the map for locations and routes serving open hurricane shelters.

The following routes will remain operational:

  • Route 1
  • Route 2
  • Route 3
  • Route 33
  • Route 40
  • Route 46
  • Route 47

Additionally, Palm Tran Connection will continue to provide transportation for eligible individuals to the special needs shelter at the South Florida Fairgrounds, also weather permitting. Go Glades service will also continue as weather permits. We encourage everyone to stay safe and monitor local news for further updates on Hurricane Milton. If conditions worsen, we may need to modify or suspend services for the safety of our riders and staff. Continue to visit our social media, website, and call our customer service at 561-841-4287 for updates.​

Updated October 8, 2024 at 2:30 p.m.

In preparation for Hurricane Milton, all Palm Tran services, including fixed-route bus service, Connection, Go Glades, and BusLink pilot program will stop operating by noon on Wednesday, October 9 through the end of the day Thursday, October 10, 2024. Weather permitting, Palm Tran will work to the best of our capacity to accommodate individuals needing public transit to the shelter locations. See the map for locations and routes serving open hurricane shelters.

The Port Saint Lucie Express is suspending service on Wednesday, October 9 and Thursday, October 10, 2024.

The following hurricane shelters will open to the public across Palm Beach County on Wednesday, October 9 at noon.

  • Palm Beach Gardens High School
  • Forest Hill High School
  • Palm Beach Central High School
  • Park Vista High School
  • Lake Shore Middle School

The special needs shelter located at the South Florida Fairgrounds will open at 10:00 a.m. for eligible persons.

Palm Tran will continue to monitor the progress of Hurricane Milton. Continue to visit our social media, website, and call our customer service at 561-841-4287 for updates.

Updated October 7, 2024 at 6:16 p.m.

We are currently monitoring Hurricane Milton and will post service updates as they occur. Check back periodically to stay informed as the storm progresses.