Palm Tran swish

Media Inquiries

Palm Tran wants to respond quickly to news media inquiries. Most importantly, we want to ensure that the information we provide is accurate. If you are a member of the news media and have an inquiry regarding Palm Tran or Palm Tran Connection programs, services, and filming requests, please contact us at (561) 841-4269.

All media inquiries to any Palm Tran employee about agency business, programs and services must be referred to the Marketing Department. If you are a reporter or news media representative and need to contact a Palm Tran spokesperson after hours or on weekends, email the Senior Manager of Public Relations at and request a call back. For non-media issues, please call Palm Tran customer service at 561-841-4287, or toll free at 1-877-930-4287.


All requests for interviews with Palm Tran are to be coordinated through the Marketing Section where a representative will be available to answer your questions and assist in scheduling an interview.

While on Palm Tran Property

  • If you wish to film, photograph, or interview customers on Palm Tran property please address your request through the Marketing Section, 561-841-4269 extension 25891.
  • When filming (live or taped), taking a still photograph, or conducting interviews while on a Palm Tran bus, please allow our customers to enter/leave buses or the surrounding areas without obstruction. Please do not block or restrict the movement of Palm Tran customers.